Photo by Elīna Arāja on for Roasted, The Coffee Bar Co.


The most challenging perspective of having a mental illness is the exhausting steps we take to hide it.

The people across the globe have been hit with mental issues especially during this unusual and uncertain pandemic.

With the overwhelming aspects that are promised in Life, compounding the challenges of Life with a mental ailment can be mind crushing to most people who are diagnosed with a mental illness. I’m sure most of you, if not all of you, have heard the words, “You need to limit your stress level.” Well, how on earth are we expected to do that with struggles, relationship issues, emotional strain, and life’s woes consuming our world?


For us, at Roasted, it was our Coffee Sunday gatherings. Coffee Sundays became a mental haven for letting down our guard and opening up to the ones we loved. We found ways to talk through our anxiety and shared our depressed moments and life lows. As we gathered for coffee, we hadn’t realized it until about a year later that we were helping each other get through this rough patch in life – the world crisis. By sharing our experiences, we discovered different ways to push through anxiety attacks. We leaned on each other for support and ultimately found fruitful ways to focus on the things that were within our “personal” control; take a “12 step (12 seconds – or take a minute, it’s your moment!)” breather before responding to someone who has raised our blood pressure; and we learned that not everything needed to be done TODAY!


We talk about how great it feels to have a “no judgement” discussion and be in an environment where you can actually feel the love and laughter in the room. We hadn’t realized just how important “laughter” is and how a simple laugh or smile can create a positive domino effect that carries you through your day.


We talk about adventures and personal and professional progress. We have actually given each other “homework” to be prepared for the next meeting – which was always something fun & cool! No stressors here!! We always come dressed in our coffee t-shirts or pajamas… it really didn’t matter. But most importantly, we learned how to carve out some “Me Time”! Find that peaceful time you need to calm your mind, quiet your thoughts, and feel rejuvenated.


Needless to say, our Coffee Sunday gatherings changed our Life and we look forward to them each week or every chance we get! No pressure! :)

Photo by Elīna Arāja on
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