For many of us, coffee boosts our busy workday mornings and gives us the jumpstart we need to make things happen. Then there are those days where we can sit and unwind, taking our time with our coffee full of its soothing aroma and rich flavors. Sitting and connecting with friends at a Coffee Sunday gathering is surely one of life’s greatest pleasures when drinking coffee.

However, any time you’re drinking that cup of coffee, you’re guzzling down a bounty of benefits. Studies surrounding coffee show that it is full of healthy nutrients, some that can protect you from diseases. In particular, the antioxidants in your cup of coffee may reduce inflammation, which is the common thread of chronic diseases.

"Coffee can keep your DNA Strong! Many people often associate a dark roast with a strong coffee, though it is the lighter roasts that are stronger.."


What Else Can Coffee Do?

We’re so glad you asked! Here’s what the experts are saying about drinking your coffee every day.

Live Longer

With moderate coffee consumption, your lifespan could increase. Particularly for women, coffee can help protect you from heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. It also reduces risks for colon cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Improved Glucose Levels

When you drink coffee, your body gets help processing glucose. That means you’ll be less likely to have type 2 diabetes.

Your Liver Loves Coffee

You’re not imagining it when you feel like your whole body seems happier with that cup of coffee. It has protective effects on your liver (even when you drink decaf!) and keeps the enzymes in this vital organ at a healthy range.

It Keeps DNA Strong

Many people often associate a dark roast with a strong coffee, though it is the lighter roasts that are stronger. But dark roast is stronger in one area – it decreases breakage in your DNA strands. Your body should naturally repair these damages, but sometimes it’s not quite as efficient with this task. Let coffee come to the rescue!

Keeping Healthy with Coffee

Naturally, a little moderation is best with coffee, as it is with everything. That said, it’s still fine to drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee each day. For most people, the sweet spot is somewhere in between.

Another thing to remember is that what you add to your coffee can make it less of a healthy choice. Those that love drinking it black are getting the pure benefits, but if you prefer yours with cream and sugar, consider making healthier swaps. You can use milk instead of cream or another sweetener.

Ideally, spices and extracts are a delicious way to add that sweet balance to your coffee. Think pure vanilla extract, cinnamon, cardamom, or cocoa powder. Simply making these little changes will keep coffee healthy and with that enjoyable flavor you love. That means you’ll live longer to enjoy more coffee with the people who truly fill up your cup!

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